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Develop a Health Plan

Be proactive and aggressive in your own health care, develop your personalized health plan.  High Performance Health and Dr. Murray want to empower you not only to get over your nagging, recurrent pain or injury but to experience the level of health where your daily life is full of energy, you look great, and are able to perform at any level you desire. Unfortunately, our government does not adequately provide us with true "health care", our OHIP is more of a "disease care " system. When it comes to our health we want to be dictating what happens, not responding to it.  We must be proactive in our own health care by being the captain of our own heath care team.  Dr. Brad Murray is here to act as your health plan coach. Dr. Murray has far more to offer your health team than the typical spinal adjustments you may typically associate with a chiropractor.  Most chiropractors have a 3-4year undergraduate university degree, plus the 4 years of graduate education required for their doctorate of chiropractic.  On top of this 8 years of schooling Dr. Murray studied for another 8 years of graduate degree work in athletic therapy, neuromuscular physiology, (MSc) which is how the muscles and central nervous system work together, and rehabilitative science (PhD), which is the study of how to improve health and movement which has become painful and dysfunctional.  

This extra education, plus his 10+ years working with Tennis Canada, professional athletes and all types of people in pain or who desire to improve their health and performance is what High Performance Health can bring to your personal health care team.   Feeling great, looking great, moving great and having the energy to do whatever your specific lifestyle demands is what we want to assist you with.  This may require assisted injury healing, improved dietary planning, mobility, strength or cardiovascular improvement, or anything else that falls under the umbrella of developing and executing your improved healthy lifestyle plan. Dr. Murray specifically moved back to his hometown of Erin after accumulating all of this knowledge, education and health care experience in order to assist this very special community in living, a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle. Dr. Murray is not only passionate about  helping you out of pain or injury, he is also available to assist you in developing a road map to your personal goals for your health, wellbeing and happiness with your body.  Our goal is to help you effectively captain your body, the one and only vehicle you have, to move toward you own personal HIGH PERFORMANCE HEALTH.  Email, call, or stop by...  We would love to hear the particulars of your specific health or sport performance situation and discuss how we can help you make the healthy improvements you desire for yourself, and or for your loved ones. Have a HIGH PERFORMANCE day!